The whole School was abuzz with the rhythm of poetry when the Pre-Prep and Prep School children participated in the Glebe Poetry by Heart Inter-House Competition, a two-day event held on February 28th and 29th.
The Pre-Prep children assembled in the school hall on Wednesday afternoon for the inaugural Inter House Performance Poetry Competition. The children, some as young as four, had been diligently rehearsing poems in their house teams – Saint Edmunds, Barbers, and L’Estrange. The children’s performances, complete with actions and props, were a testament to their hard work and creativity. After much deliberation, the judges announced Barbers as the winning team.
The following morning, the Prep children took the stage. They had spent weeks perfecting their chosen poems, with the highest-scoring performers from each class earning a spot in the final to represent their houses. The teaching staff were astounded by the children’s poised confidence and ability to breathe life into their poems. St Edmund’s emerged victorious in the Junior Prep section, while L’Estrange claimed victory in the Senior Prep.
After totalling all the points, St Edmund’s was declared the overall winner of this closely fought competition. Inspired by the national performance poetry competition Poetry by Heart, the event was a resounding success, showcasing the children’s love for poetry and their commendable team spirit.