Learning at Glebe House School
Our Curriculum
Developing a curious, confident attitude through skills-based learning

Our small class sizes and specialist subject teaching ensures that pupils receive the academic and pastoral oneto- one support they need to feel safe, happy and inspired.
We encourage our pupils to aim high and challenge themselves to be the best they can be, learning from their mistakes and never giving up if things go wrong.
EYFS at Glebe: Reception
At Glebe House School we are motivated and passionate and strive to uphold this in our Reception classroom, providing stimulating continuous provision and innovative activities that give the children the opportunity to explore and develop their learning confidently.
We offer enthusiasm and ambition to continue to maintain high standards of teaching and learning by providing a safe and caring environment that gives the children the opportunity to develop their Characteristics of Effective Learning. By implementing and delivering a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum, enhanced by specialist teachers, we enable the children in our care to focus on their love for learning and equip them with a thirst for knowledge, the building blocks to build on and explore this further and ensure our children fully develop their independent skills.
The teaching ethos within our Pre Prep team ensures that we are able to facilitate and encourage a learning experience which provides our pupils with the opportunity to achieve to their absolute potential.
KS1 at Glebe: Pre-Prep (Divisions I and II)
In Division l and ll the children follow the statuatory requirements of the National Curriculum and have daily Mathematic and English lessons. A great emphasis is put on number confidence and place value as we believe this is the gateway to understanding number. Equally we value the importance of reading and ensure that every child is heard every day by an adult. Extra support is always focussed in these key areas, whether that is through additional adults in the room or differentiated resources.
Science also features strongly in our weekly timetable and areas such as the Seasons, Materials, Growing Plants, Our Bodies, Animals, Staying Healthy and The Solar System are all covered. As much as possible we explore these topics through hands – on, engaging activities and experiments.
Humanities are taught in a topic based way in Division l but as individual subjects when they move into Division ll. Popular themes are Mountains & Volcanoes, The Great Fire of London, Maps, Famous Nurses, the Seaside and Sensational Safari. The children also get to learn about different religions and cultures around the world by celebrating a range of festivals.
We have Prep school teachers come into the Pre-Prep every week to teach French, Art, Music, Computing, PE and Swimming. This allows the children to access specialis teaching as well as help with the tranistion when they move into the Prep school.
Learning is not limited to subjects at Glebe. We really enjoy learning about wider aspects in the world and whenever possible support our Glebe family by raising awareness or funds for a variety of charities and causes. We feel it is important for the children to make real and significant links with their local community by getting out and taking part as much as possible.
Humanities at Glebe: Prep
From Division III to Division VIII the three Humanities subjects, Geography, History and Religious Studies are taught at Glebe by subject specialist teachers who combine experience with expertise and a deep love of their subject.
Our curriculum seeks to inspire a love of learning with skills that are transferable to many other subjects and situations. All pupils enjoy a happy and secure learning environment where all views are valued and individuality is encouraged.
As pupils progress through the Prep School they develop enquiring minds that ask questions and does not merely accept the status quo. The curriculum is broad, diverse and inclusive and challenges all pupils to maximize their potential and prepare them for the challenges ahead.
Maths at Glebe: Prep
Mathematics is a scientific, dynamic and creative subject which plays a part in resolving problems in everyday life. Maths begins through play in the Foundation Stage, but enjoyment and learning through play is something that we aim to continue in the subject, regardless of the children’s age.
Practical activities are a must, and hands on tasks are a key feature of maths in the pre prep. As the children get older, maths inevitably becomes more formal. However, there are still plenty of opportunities for problem solving, play and practical work. Most children enjoy competitions and challenges, so opportunities for these are built into our curriculum. Whether it is fighting your way to the top of the Tables Chart in Divisions III-VI, obtaining your Numeracy Ninja Black Belt in Divisions VII and VIII, or competing in national mathematics competitions, there are plenty of opportunities for every child to feel proud of their achievements in this subject.
With small class sizes, we know our children’s strengths, weaknesses and needs very well. Pre prep staff work closely together, enabling a smooth transition within the subject as the children move through their formative years. From Division III, children are taught by two specialist maths teachers, again ensuring a high degree of continuity and understanding of the children’s progression. We subscribe to an online maths course, in use throughout the school. This is used in lessons to support our curriculum, to aid revision, and also for playing maths games – it even makes homework fun! All maths lessons have the benefit of TA support, helping to ensure that children are challenged, encouraged and supported as appropriate.
Every child learns differently, so lessons are varied in terms of their content and delivery. Work is always differentiated, so every child’s needs are catered for.
Science at Glebe: Prep
Science is a core subject at Glebe House with timetabled Science lessons from Year 1 and specialist Science Teachers in the Prep school where pupils receive up to 6 lessons weekly of Science learning.
The school has a fully equipped laboratory allowing a great balance between practical, hands on learning and theory teaching. Children from Year 3 engage in practical work the lab, becoming familiar with core scientific equipment and developing an early understanding of working with Scientific method – a key problem solving skill-set valuable well beyond Science.
We teach combined science to Year 6 and then split to study Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Progress assessments, termly and annually, build to both 11+ examinations (not covered in KS2 Sats) and 13+ examinations The ISEB syllabus taught provides pupils with an excellent grounding for their key Year 9 studies (when streaming for Science GCSEs typically takes place) as many of the topics covered in year 9 AQA and OCR syllabuses are covered in the 13+ syllabus.
Art at Glebe: Prep
At Glebe we have a bespoke room for Art and Design Technology and all pupils are lucky to have a double lesson per week. The pupils at Glebe have the opportunity through a well planned curriculum to explore and practice working in a wide variety of mediums, having opportunities to hone their skills of drawing from observation to painting, printing, working with 3d materials, clay or paper mache to using and shaping wood to make models with working mechanisms or electrics.
The importance of visiting galleries to develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of the History of Art is also high on the list of priorities. Pupils have creative freedom at Glebe to be truly original in their work and after school clubs cater for pupils who are thinking about scholarships in either subject to senior schools.
Music at Glebe: Prep
Glebe has a strong tradition of Music with links to the Sandringham Choir and peripatetic teachers covering brass, woodwind, singing, piano and drums. The pupils have class lessons that develop an appreciation in music and teach fundamental skills in playing and performing as a class.
Informal concerts provide the essential platform for Individual pupils to perform to an audience and build confidence in performance. Pupils with a desire for more, have opportunities with clubs such as choir, band and the joyful song club ‘Eagles’.
We also have links to other schools where large scale music making takes place, the Uppingham Music day is fondly remembered as a favourite. Singing hymns is a part of our school week, assemblies, formal ceremonies and occasions bring pupil’s voices together in songs and hymns.
Discover the Happy School
Take a tour of our school, where happiness and wellbeing thrive. See for yourself the excellent educational opportunities we have to offer.