ISI Report

Glebe House School and Nursery was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in autumn 2018 and was proud to achieve an ‘Excellent’ and ‘Outstanding’ rating – the highest standard – for the two sections of the school.

Early Years Foundation Stage

‘The overall effectiveness of the early years provision is outstanding’

  • ‘Children make good and often excellent progress in their learning and development in relation to their starting points. This is because staff ensure they get to know children well and plan highly effectively to meet their needs. They are well-prepared for the move to their next stage of education. Individual needs are catered for extremely well, notably those for children who require additional support for medical and special educational needs.’

‘The effectiveness of leadership and management is outstanding’

  • ‘Staff and children understand the appropriate behavioural expectations. Golden rules displayed at child height in pictorial form reinforce good behaviour. The setting promotes equality and diversity, welcoming children from a wide variety of family backgrounds.’

‘The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding’

  • ‘Parents are provided with good information about their child’s progress, including graphs that show progress over time in all areas of learning, reports and access to the extremely comprehensive All About Me files.’

‘The personal development behaviour and welfare of children are outstanding’

  • ’All children from the very youngest were seen to be extremely content and emotionally secure within the setting.’

‘Outcomes for children are outstanding’

  • ‘The vast majority of children meet, and some exceed, the level of development that is typical for their age. They are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.’

Educational Quality Inspection

‘The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent’

  • ‘Throughout the school pupils acquire high levels of knowledge and understanding so that they demonstrate secure skills for learning.’
  • ‘Pupils display competent physical skills due to a positive culture of fitness which encourages all to experience success.’
  • ‘Pupils, including those with SEND, develop fluent reading and comprehension skills.’
  • ‘Pupils’ numeracy skills are highly developed due to teachers ensuring work is tailored to individual abilities.’

‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent’

  • ‘The school is highly successful in meeting its aims to help pupils feel happy, resilient, courteous and self-confident.’
  • ‘A notable aspect of pupils’ behaviour is their great sensitivity and empathy for their peers.’
  • ‘Pupils demonstrate a keen awareness of the importance of emotional happiness and show care and consideration to any peers exhibiting signs of anxiety.’