Friends of Glebe Empower Wellbeing Prefects with Fundraising Success

The Friends of Glebe are delighted to announce that the £497.27 raised at this year’s Bonfire Night will go towards funding a Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme for our Wellbeing Prefects. This fantastic initiative, provided by Worth-it, will train our pupils to lead mental health and wellbeing efforts within the school community.

We are incredibly proud of our Wellbeing Prefects, who demonstrated their dedication to this programme by raising over half the required funds through a successful Bake and Second-hand Uniform Sale before half term. Their hard work and commitment have been inspiring, and we are thrilled to support them in achieving their goal.

The Bonfire Night itself was a resounding success! We enjoyed delicious hot dogs, marvelled at the creative entries in the Pumpkin Gallery and were treated to a spectacular fireworks display once again. The glowing bonfire, built with generously donated wood, added a magical touch to the evening.

A huge thank you to everyone who attended and to the amazing volunteers of the Friends of Glebe for organising such a wonderful event.