Children’s Mental Health Week is always a significant event on the calendar at Glebe House School, and this year was no exception. From 5th to 8th February, the whole school community came together to raise awareness and support for this important aspect of children’s well-being.
This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week theme was ‘My Voice Matters’, emphasising the importance of empowering children to express themselves and advocating for their mental health needs. Throughout the week, we engaged in various activities and initiatives centred around promoting mental well-being, including:
Monday – Pyjama Day
We kicked off the week with Pyjama Day, where the children were invited to wear their pyjamas to school. This highlighted the importance of rest and a good night’s sleep on mental health. Additionally, some of our Prep pupils visited the Pre-Prep library to read bedtime stories to the younger children, fostering a sense of community through the sharing of cherished stories.

Wednesday – My Voice Matters
On Wednesday, our focus was on the theme ‘My Voice Matters’. We held “You said, we did” sessions in our House meetings, providing pupils with a platform to voice their opinions and concerns, ensuring their voices are heard and respected.
Thursday – Pause Day
Thursday was designated as Pause Day, which was dedicated to pausing the curriculum and focusing on mental well-being and self-care. The Prep children participated in various activities, including a walk to the beach. Despite the rainy weather, everyone embraced the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and each other’s company amidst the beauty of our coastal location. Meanwhile, in Pre-Prep, Mrs Hipwell, Head of Art, invited the children to bring in their cuddly toys to draw during creative time and Ms Barden and the children studied Kandinsky’s art, then made their own marks, which they accompanied with music and movement.

Friday – Express Yourself
The week concluded with ‘Express Yourself Day, ‘ where the children were encouraged to express their individuality through clothing and bring donations to a mental health charity. We’re thrilled to announce that we raised over £70 for this worthy cause. In addition, Pre-Prep enjoyed a Wellness activity where they learned to make origami hearts featuring messages of love and kindness to their families.

Children’s Mental Health Week is always a cherished and memorable time, where pupils and staff alike come away with valuable insights into supporting and improving children’s mental health. Our Mental Health Champions, Miss Stephenson and Mrs Hancock are committed to keeping our children’s mental health at the forefront of what we do, illustrated, for example, by the weekly Wellness Afternoons in Pre Prep.
For more information and resources on children’s mental health, visit Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 website.