Division II experienced the enchanting world of “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” on a fascinating class trip to a new exhibition at Lynn Museum, celebrating 100 years of Judith Kerr and her incredible contribution to children’s literature.
Led by Mrs Maud, Division II’s museum adventure started with a ride in the new school mini-bus (always a highlight for the children). At the Lynn Museum, they were astonished to learn all about the challenges Kerr faced fleeing Germany with her family and settling in England during the tumultuous times of World War II. They also had a fascinating time learning all about tigers and were excited to meet and sketch the Lynn Museum’s resident tiger, Horace. Still, the most fun part of the day was when the children dressed up as the characters from the book and re-enacted scenes from the story in a specially designed set of Sophie’s kitchen.

Overall, the trip was an excellent opportunity to delve into the pages of the classic tale and the captivating life of a beloved children’s author-illustrator.