Poetry Writing at Old Hunstanton Beach

On a beautiful, sunny September day, Division IV set out on an exciting trip to Old Hunstanton Beach as part of their English poetry project.

Led by Mrs. Bygraves and Ms. Maguire, this special outdoor lesson aimed to inspire the children to write a seaside-themed poem. The beach offered the perfect sensory backdrop for the children to fully experience the sights, sounds and smells of the seaside, providing them with rich vocabulary and inspiration for their poetry.

The children delved into John Masefield’s “Sea Fever” poem to fuel their creativity. They broke down its structure and rhythm, using it as a guide to compose their own poems about the seaside. This hands-on approach not only deepened their grasp of poetic techniques but also encouraged an alternative approach to writing.

The trip to Old Hunstanton Beach was a fantastic start to their poetry project, sparking interest and creativity in our pupils. Here are some of the wonderful poems inspired by their seaside adventure!

Beach Fever by Parker

I must go down to the beach again where the tide begins to drain
Watching the sea go in and out again, again, again

I must go down to the each again where the cliffs get hit by the waves
And when I walk past the cliff, I spot the jagged caves

I must go down to the beach again where the waves crash and roar!
And I see the beautiful sights but I always want much more

Beach Fever by Raphi

I must go down to the beach again to look at the beautiful sea
I feel the waves crashing against my toes, I feel so beautifully free!

I must go down to the beach again to feel the sand between my toes
And to lie upon the soft, soft sand and have a little doze.

Beach Fever by Edie

We must go down to the beach again to see the scattered shells
And to hear the seagulls screeching and hear the lifeguard bells.

We must go down to the beach again to see the golden sand
And to feel the sand covered rocks, spread across the land.

We must go down to the beach again to hear the crashing waves
And to explore every crumbly cliffside cave.