Introduction to Glebe House School
Welcome to Prep
A very warm welcome to Glebe House Prep School
(Divisions III – VIII)

Glebe House School is a happy place, where our core values of Community, Character and Challenge are lived out daily. From our comprehensive and experiential curriculum, delivered by passionate and dedicated staff, to our broad co-curricular opportunities, the Prep School is where children discover what they love, and develop the skills to manage the challenges of modern life. We actively create opportunities for leadership, engagement in their school life and local community, and academic and cultural extension as we prepare pupils for the next phase of their educational journey. The prep years will be full of all that is good and great about being a child, and we are excited to be part of this journey with you.
Prep School Teaching Staff
It’s time to meet your teachers!

Karen Hubbard
Head of Maths, Maths Teacher

Andrew Scott
Divisions VII & VIII Maths Teacher

Alice Hipwell
Head of Art, DT & Music, Art, DT & Music Teacher

Felicity Hancock

Lucy Hawkins
Head of Science, Divisions VII & VIII Science Teacher, Senior Choir

Jonathan Turner
Director of Sport, Sports & Junior Science Teacher

Emma Durrant
English Teacher

Elizabeth Haslam
Humanities Teacher

Anna Bygraves
Junior Prep English & Humanities Teacher, Drama Teacher

David Whitehill
French Teacher

Gina Veale
Dance Teacher

Gary Hawkins
Sports Teacher

Tracy Bower
Sports Teacher

Jamie Ring
Sports Teacher

Jade Ring
Sports Teacher

Kevin Cross
Sports Teacher
Morning Registration
Each Division in Prep has a Form Tutor who is the first person your child will see in the morning for registration. Prep children should arrive at school at 8.30am. Boys enter via the Boys Changing Room entrance and Girls enter via the Girls Changing Room entrance. The children should then go straight to their Form Tutor classroom for registration. If your child arrives at school late for registration, please make sure that they visit the front office and register with the School Office Manager.
Your child may be dropped off from 8am. Using the external fire escape stairs, pupils should be taken to the fire exit door of the Dining Hall to be signed in by the duty member of staff.
Form Tutor Contact
The Form Tutor will support your child through the school year. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s progress or any other personal matters regarding your child, please contact the Form Tutor directly. You will receive an email before the start of term in September from your child’s Form Tutor introducing themselves and providing you with their contact details.
During registration, pupils discuss the day ahead, current affairs and any concerns or issues with their Form Tutor. On a Tuesday each Division has extended Tutor Time with the Form Tutor. This 40-minute session is where we provide pupils with exceptional academic and pastoral support, and foster key relationships in the class and year groups. Underpinning these sessions is a programme to develop resilience, encourage independence and foster kindness – all part of Glebe House School’s value-based approach to learning.
Subject-Specific Teaching
After morning registration Prep children start lessons, moving between subject-specific teachers based in different classrooms throughout the Prep School. This can initially take some getting used to but moving from classroom to classroom helps to develop responsibility and independence. In the first weeks of the new school year, our Division III children are accompanied by Senior Prep buddies as they move between classrooms and get used to the layout of the Prep School. It doesn’t take long before our youngest Junior Prep children embrace the opportunity to be independent and get themselves where they need to be.
Prep (Homework)
Otherwise known as homework, Prep is set for the Prep School every night except Wednesdays. It can be done at school during the daily supervised Prep Sessions (1.20-2pm or 4.25-5.25pm) or at home. Senior Prep, (Divisions VII and VIII), may be set additional work at weekends. Prep in Division III generally has a week turnaround time.
From Division III upwards your child will have an examination every year in the Summer term.
In Division lll this will be limited to English, Maths and Science, but from Division lV onwards this will also include Geography, History, RS and French. Provision is made as necessary for those who are entitled to extra time.
Sports & Games
From Division III the following sports are played, at different times of the year, by boys and girls:
- Hockey
- Rugby
- Cricket
- Football*
- Netball**
Athletics, tennis, swimming and cross-country also feature prominently in our sporting calendar and Glebe participates in external galas and school cluster sporting events wherever possible.
Sports such as golf, sailing, archery and roller hockey are all included in our co-curricular programme.

* This is predominantly played by the boys although the girls join in during inter-house competitions.
** This is predominantly played by the girls although the boys join in during inter-house competitions.
Sports Matches
When children join the Prep School they will take part in inter-school sports matches. Team sheets will be sent out in the weekly newsletter. Matches against other schools in the above sports mainly occur on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon. Occasionally a fixture may be on another day subject to the calendar. We warmly encourage parents to support the children and welcome you to join the match tea after the game, usually in the Drawing Room.
Information is available from the School Office to help you find the venues when your child is part of an away team.
Children may be taken home from an away match by their parents. After home matches, activities are organised, but parents may take their children home if returning later would be difficult. In both instances, the member of staff supervising the match should be notified.
Team captains write a brief match report which should be sent to Mr Turner, Director of Sport. They will read the match report in the Monday assembly after the match.
The Longer School Day
The school day for all in the Prep School begins at 8.30am and ends at 4.10pm. There are two optional later pick up times, as detailed below.
Option 1 – 5.30pm Sign out
4.10 – 4.25pm Short tea in the Dining Hall for all pupils not signed out at 4.10pm.
4.25-5.25pm Co-curricular clubs run. There is a wide range of clubs and extracurricular activities that children can join. The co-curricular programme varies by term and is published at the end of the preceding term.
Option 2 – 6.00pm Sign out
5.30 – 6.00pm Prep School children have the option to stay for a cooked tea. This is included in the fees. Those wishing to stay for cooked tea ‘sign up’ for it at registration each day.
Option 3 – Boarding
6pm – Boarders change before supervised Prep, and boarding activities.
Signing Out & Pick Up
All Prep School children need to ‘sign out’ as they leave school. This is carried out by the duty member of staff and takes place by the oak tree in the Prep School courtyard area.
How Children's Time Is Spent
To give parents an idea of how our time is spent at Glebe, we’ve included a sample timetable to show what a typical week includes and the way a day is structured.
A Typical Day at Glebe
08.30 Arrive at school/Registration
08.40 Assembly
09.25 Science
10.50 Break
11.20 Maths
12.05 French
12.45 Lunch
13.20 Activities/Break
14.00 English
14.45 Music
15.30 Humanities
16.10 Sign out/Short tea
16.25 Club
17.30 Sign out/Tea
18.00 Sign out/Boarding
Uniform Requirements
There are a number of changes to the school uniform for both boys and girls moving up into the Prep School. For detailed lists of uniform and required sports kit, please check out the Uniform page via the button below.
Welcome to our Prep School!